School Board Members

Monte Nelson

Mike Imhof

Jennifer Horne

Trent Wimmer

Jonathan Blake

  • Anyone wishing to address the School Board during the Public Forum must sign on a provided clipboard giving their name and topic of concern. This must be completed prior the Chair calling the meeting to order.
  • The Chair will recognize speakers in the order in which they registered. If the number of speakers will exceed the Public Forum time frame, generally a maximum of thirty (30) minutes, the Chair may recognize speakers out of order in order to hear both sides of an issue.
  • Each speaker will be limited to three (3) minutes. Unused time cannot be given to another speaker.
  • The Chair will have the discretion to terminate any speaker’s time if, in the opinion of the Chair, the speaker or topic is deemed out of order.
  • All speakers will address the Chair, not the Board.
  • No action will be taken on Public Forum issues at the meeting that are not already on the current agenda. Items may be put on the agenda of future Board meetings following the policy and protocol for doing so.
  • The Chair may close the Public Forum at any time
MSBA School Board Candidates Video

What does a school board member do? Click here to watch a 4 minute video to learn!

If you are interested in becoming a school board member, click here for a more in-depth, informational video.

L-BF Main Calendar